Magnesium Oil Spray Recipe

Magnesium Oil Spray Recipe

Today, we're diving into the world of wellness with a simple and effective recipe for homemade magnesium spray. Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, and using it topically can offer numerous benefits, such as promoting relaxation, relieving muscle tension, and supporting overall well-being. It even makes a wonderful deodorant! Let's embark on a journey of self-empowerment and healing as we create your very own magnesium spray. Set your intentions for wellness and embrace the power of natural remedies to support your body and mind. 

If you would like to check out some of the products I use, click here to head to my Amazon Storefront.


  • 1/2 cup Magnesium Chloride Flakes 
  • 1/2 cup Distilled Water
  • Optional: 10 drops of your favorite essential oil. Lavender and frankinscense are my favorite!


Prepare the Magnesium Solution:

  • In a bowl, combine 1/2 cup of magnesium chloride flakes with 1/2 cup of boiled distilled water.
  • Avoid using metal to prevent reactions with the magnesium.
  • Stir the mixture until the flakes are fully dissolved. This will create a concentrated magnesium solution.
Optional: Add Essential Oils for Aromatherapy:
  • If you'd like to enhance the calming effect of your magnesium spray, add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil after the mixture has cooled below 180 degree F to avoid damaging the properties of the EO's.
  • Lavender, peppermint, and chamomile are other popular choices for their relaxing properties.
    Pour the Solution into a Spray Bottle:
    • Using a funnel, carefully pour the magnesium solution into a clean spray bottle.
    • Ensure the spray bottle is made of glass to prevent any reactions with the magnesium. Never use metal. I prefer to use the dark amber glass. I have these linked in my amazon store front.

    Shake Well Before Use:

    • Before each use, give the spray bottle a good shake to ensure the magnesium is evenly distributed.



    • Spray the magnesium solution directly onto clean and dry skin.
    • Focus on areas where you may experience muscle tension or soreness, such as the neck, shoulders, and calves.
    • I like to spray my belly, armpits and soles of feet.
    • Allow the spray to air dry or gently massage it into your skin for better absorption.

    Important Uses of Topical Magnesium:

    Muscle Relaxation:

    Topical magnesium helps relax muscles, making it a fantastic remedy for muscle cramps and tension.


    Stress Reduction:
    Magnesium is known to have a calming effect on the nervous system, making it an excellent aid in stress reduction and anxiety relief.
    Improved Sleep:
    Applying magnesium spray before bedtime may contribute to better sleep by promoting relaxation and easing muscle tension.
    Joint Health:
    Magnesium can support joint health by reducing inflammation and promoting proper muscle function.
    Migraine Relief:
    Some individuals find relief from migraines and headaches through the application of topical magnesium on the forehead and neck.

    Incorporating a magnesium spray into your wellness routine is a simple and effective way to reap the benefits of this essential mineral. Whether you're looking to relax after a long day or address specific health concerns, this DIY magnesium spray can be a valuable addition to your self-care arsenal. Enjoy the soothing effects and take a step towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle!

    Note: It's normal to experience some itching upon application of the magnesium spray. This is a common reaction and often indicates increased absorption. If the sensation is too intense, you may choose to dilute the spray with a bit of water without compromising its effectiveness. Embrace the process of healing, and listen to your body's signals as you incorporate this magnesium spray into your self-care routine.

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